Recent Updates
Phase 2 of NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010
Phase 2 of NOM-051 came into effect on October 1, 2023, and it’s crucial to understand the major changes it entails for compliance.
Remember that the changes are divided into 3 phases.
Article 216 Bis is added to the General Health Law.
Edible oils and fats, as well as non-alcoholic foods and beverages, may not contain partially hydrogenated oils, known as trans fats, added during their industrial manufacturing process in their presentation for sale to the public.
NOM-004-SE-2021: For Textile Products
NOM-004-SE-2021, which replaces NOM-004-SCFI-2006, came into effect on January 14, 2023. Learn more about the updates and changes to the Mexican Official Standard.
We are accredited and approved by the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA) and the General Directorate of Standards (DGN)
As an Accredited Inspection Unit (UVNOM099) to certify compliance of Commercial Information to National or Imported products in accordance with the provisions of the current Norma Oficial Mexicana (Official Mexican Standard) (NOM’s).
We evaluate compliance with the Official Mexican Standard of Commercial Information (Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM’s)).

Clothing and textiles
Commercial information-labeling of textile products, clothing, their accessories and household linen

Commercial information-labeling for toys.

Packaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages
General labeling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages – Commercial and health information.

Household cleaning products
Products and services. Labeling and packaging for cleaning products for domestic use.

General products regulations
Commercial Information – General Labeling of Products

Leathers, furs and shoes
Commercial information-labeling of natural tanned leather and skins and synthetic or artificial materials with that appearance, footwear, leather goods, as well as products made with said materials.

Alcoholic beverages
Commercial labeling and sanitary specifications for alcoholic beverages.

Perfumery and cosmetics
Sanitary and commercial labeling for pre-packaged cosmetic products.

Electronics and electrics
Commercial information for packaging, instructions and guarantees of electronic, electrical and household appliances products.
Our processes are now faster!
As an Accredited Inspection Unit (UVNOM099) to certify compliance of Commercial Information to National or Imported products in accordance with the provisions of the current Norma Oficial Mexicana (Official Mexican Standard) (NOM’s).